Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Football season

This year is my first year to be playing tackle football for the little league Pioneers! This may sound strange but I've been wanting to play at kindergarten and now I actually get to play and speaking of playing I'm going to try out for Wide reciever and/or tight end but prefferably wide reciever! And there is the symbol. this year I've heard that we get to keep our brand new helmets but I do know that we get to keep our new jerseys! My number that I will pick is either 5 or 87 either one is fine with me!


Brooke said...

I'm excited that you finally get to play tackle football. The games are going to be fun and you are going to be an awesome player! Just hope the practices aren't too hot.

mom2boys said...

You will love playing football. It is Parker's favorite sport. Be sure to let me know your schedule so I can come watch a home game.

This Idaho Girl said...

That is so cool. You're in the big league now!

This Idaho Girl said...

Nick, this is Uncle P. Love your page, your background should be the Boston Red Sox though. I'm excited that you are going to play tackle football, but how will you find time to play with all of your barbies? Let me know how you can manage two very time consuming tasks. See you in a few weeks.

Nick said...

Uncle p you're just jealous of my new Malibu convertible I got for my barbies to cruise around in. Bet you wish you had one!

This Idaho Girl said...

Uncle P again. I didn't know you had a malibu convertible. If you are willing to share, we can take you to a girl scout meeting and you can play with them when you come out here to visit. I'm sure you will fit right in.

Nick said...

I didnt know you went to little girl scout meetings I think you would be a good girl scout leader too!! OH BEAT THAT!!!!

This Idaho Girl said...


I didn't say that I went to girl scout meetings, I just thought you would fit in. Most likely you already wear your hair in pig tails, and you freely admit to playing with barbies, so I just made a guess about the meetings. I would also guess that if you are playing with barbies, it is about time for you to get a training bra, aren't you about that age?

Nick said...

Well if you didn't go to girl scout meetings how would you know that I would fit right in!